What InAccel and JFrog Artifactory integration means to you

Enterprise ready accelerator distribution

InAccel + JFrog

InAccel offers an end-to-end JFrog Bitstream repository solution covering the deployment lifecycle of your FPGA binaries to manage target platforms, allow artifact versioning and accelerator distribution. Through the InAccel CLI also provides an easy to use tool for resolving artifacts from and deploying builds to Artifactory.

Use secure, private, local InAccel repo to share Bitstreams across your organization with fine-grained access control. Proxy and cache InAccel Store and other public Bitstream resources with JFrog remote repositories, and aggregate local and remote resources under a single JFrog virtual Bitstream repository to access all your FPGA binaries from a single URL.

InAccel simplifies enterprise FPGA accelerator management.
Setup Bitstream development pipelines, snapshot/release repositories, protect your accelerators using secrets and automatically distribute your hardware accelerated solutions.

InAccel's Bitstream packaging format supports the requirements of both FPGA vendors (Intel, Xilinx) allowing JFrog Artifactory to provide the same fully-featured artifact management with exhaustive metadata for any development ecosystem.

The Bitstream repository stores exhaustive build information including specific artifact versions, FPGA platforms/devices, accelerator modules, system properties, user information, timestamps and more. This invaluable capability helps you track down accelerator performance that was reported in specific versions released but also automate the distribution in any FPGA system due to its tight integration with InAccel Coral FPGA resource manager.

JFrog Artifactory exposes an extensive REST API that provides access to its features anywhere in the FPGA development cycle effectively letting you automate any action you could do through the UI, when working with FPGA binaries. InAccel CLI is a compact and smart client that greatly simplifies and optimizes automation scripts making them more efficient, more readable and easier to maintain across all FPGA platforms.